Seriously, What is Fly Fishing?
Ah, fly fishing! The art of pretending to be a bug in order to catch a fish. It's like the ultimate

game of dress-up! Wait, to be clear, the anglers don't dress up, the hook does - or rather the angler dresses up the hook to look like a bug. Make sense?
You see, fly fishing is a type of fishing where you use a lighterweight lure that imitates the look and movement of an insect, small fish or a freaking mouse! The idea is to fool the fish into thinking that your hook is actually a tasty snack, so they'll chomp down on it and you can reel them in.

But in all honesty, fly fishing is more than just trying to trick a fish. It's a whole experience. It's about being out in nature, feeling the sun on your face and the water rushing past your legs. It's about spending time with friends or family, sharing stories and laughs while waiting for a bite.
Oh, and let's not forget about the gear! Fly fishing rods are long and thin, making them perfect for poking or whipping your friends from 9 feet away.
PRO TIP: Do not poke or whip anyone with a RL Winston or similar. If you are unsure of the price or warranty of the rod then cease horseplay immediately.

So if you're looking for a fun, potentially ridiculous way to spend a day on the water, give fly fishing a try! Just remember to leave your bug costume at home, but you're encouraged to bring a good sense of humor.
How Is Fly Fishing Different From Spin Fishing?
The main difference between fly fishing and spin fishing is that Echo Adventures doesnt spin fish, that and the type of gear and technique used to catch fish. In fly fishing, the angler uses a specialized fly rod, reel, and line, along with an artificial fly that imitates the look and movement of insects or other small prey. The angler casts the fly to the fish and uses the rod to manipulate the line and create the illusion of a live insect or baitfish.
In spin fishing, the angler uses a spinning rod and reel, along with a variety of lures or live baits, to catch fish. Spin fishing typically involves casting the lure or live bait out and retrieving it with a spinning motion, in order to mimic the movements of a live prey item.
Another key difference between the two methods is the type of water and fish they are best suited for. Fly fishing is often used in rivers and streams, and is particularly effective for catching trout, salmon, and other species that feed on insects near the surface of the water. Spin fishing, on the other hand, is often used in a wider range of environments, including lakes, ponds, and rivers, and is effective for catching a wider variety of species, including bass, walleye, and panfish.
Ultimately, both fly fishing and spin fishing can be highly effective and enjoyable methods of catching fish, and which one you choose to use will depend on your personal preferences, the type of water you're fishing, and the species you're targeting - or more realisticly, the firends you hang out with.
How Can I Get Started in Fly Fishing?
Well, if you're interested in trying out fly fishing, there are a few things you can do to get started!

Research and Learn
Start by researching and learning about fly fishing. There are many books, articles, and online resources like YouTube that can teach you the basics of fly fishing, including the equipment you'll need, casting techniques, and how to tie flies. Did you know that Bryant taught himself how to fly fish? Now he's a founding member and the Director of our Fly Fishing Department!
Find a Mentor
Try to find a mentor or someone who is experienced in fly fishing. You can learn a lot by observing and practicing with someone who knows what they're doing.

Take a Class or a Guided Trip
Consider taking a fly fishing class, guide tour or a workshop. Many fly shops and outdoor outfitters like Echo Adventures offer classes for beginners that cover the basics of fly fishing and provide hands-on instruction. If you are headed to the Yosemite area then CLICK HERE to book your adventure!
Invest in Equipment
You'll need some basic equipment to get started, including a fly rod, reel, line, and some flies. Call us or message us anytime to schedule a time talk to a knowledgeable salesperson or fly fishing expert to help you choose the right gear for your needs and budget. Don't go to Bass Pro or Walmart, many fly shops have better deals on better equipment!
Finally, our fly fishing guide Dillon says, "practice, practice, practice!" Fly fishing takes some time and patience to master, but with practice, you'll soon be casting like a pro and reeling in fish like a champ.

Wear the Right Stuff
Our guides routinely report seeing people on the water that are totally unprepared to be on
the water. Shorts, flip flops, jeans, floaties, jean shorts, sweatpants, bikinis... you name it, we've seen it! So what should you wear? Wading boots, waders and a cool vest are definitely recommended, but at the minimum your clothes and shoes should do a few things:
Clothes: Your clothes should keep you warm and protect you from the sun. So, if you are planning to wet wade then avoid cotton. Wear fleece, neoprene or wool so that you can stay warm even when you are wet. You can also ask where the water is coming from. Does the river flow from a dam? If so, the water will be very cold, so you may avoid shorts even if its hot outside. The sun hits different off of the water so cover up!
Shoes:Shoes should stay on your feet and provide traction on the slippery rocks. Chacos and Tevas are great if its warm. Chacos and Tevas with wool socks are great if the water is cold and you immediately remove your socks when you are done.
How Long Will It Take Me To Get Good at Fly Fishing?
There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the time it takes to become "good" at fly fishing can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including how often you practice, your natural abilities, the type of fishing you're doing, and the techniques you're using.
That being said, it generally takes most people several months to a year of consistent practice to become comfortable with the basics of fly fishing, such as casting, presenting the fly, mending and reeling in a large fish. To become truly proficient and catch fish on a regular basis, however, it can take several years of practice and experience. Elisabeth, one of our founding members, spent three years loosing hogs before she was able to bring a large trout to the net! Now, reeling in BAF (big ass fish) is her second job!
PRO TIP: BAF is not a thing and is literally only said by Elisabeth.
The good news is that fly fishing is a sport that can be enjoyed at any level of proficiency. Even if you're not catching fish every time you go out, you can still have a great time exploring new rivers and streams, practicing your casting, and enjoying the beauty of nature. So, if you're just starting out, don't be discouraged if you don't become an expert overnight. With time, practice, and patience, you'll have a fun and rewarding hobby that can provide a lifetime of enjoyment and memories, especially if you do end up dressing up like bug!