Find us inside the Yosemite Basecamp Outfitter in Downtown Groveland, CA!

About Us
Echo Adventure Cooperative is a worker-owned cooperative offering socially and environmentally sustainable guided adventures, vacation packages and travel experiences in Yosemite National Park and throughout the Sierra. Echo was founded in 2016 with the purpose of prioritizing quality guest experiences, member empowerment, environmental sustainability, and community development over profits. Click here to learn more about the incredible men and women that make Echo Adventures so incredible.
Whatever you are, be a good one.
- Unknown

Giving Back
Echo Adventure members don't just work in the Sierra Nevada, we live here, so Echo Adventure Cooperative works closely with other residents, local businesses, conservation groups, the National Park and Forest Service and community organizations to help make our communities healthier, safer, more sustainable and more inclusive. Each year we choose one organization to receive funds from our Annual Community Celebration and Fundraiser and we continue the giving all year by donating $1 from each trip we take.
...together, we can do so much.
– Helen Keller